What is life?very big question isn't it.but life is fun or riddle it depends on your approach.i willnot say that be positive and result will be is true but I want to tell you something different today. Friends life is a journey but for some people it is enjoyable and for some it is endless journey of sorrow .why some people enjoys there life and others are just passing time.this is the big question we have to ask ourselves everyday. For me life is full of hope and expectancy although I am not much successful but I have learnt to be happy and full of hope .everyday I wake up with something new to do and expect good results in everything i do.this is life and your happyness doesn't depend on outer circumstance but happyness depend on your programming of it is very essential that you programme your mind in such a way that whatever will happens i will keep my focus on my goal. Now what is my goal this depends on your passion. What are the things which drive you ...